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Covid-19 Information

Please ensure you take the time to read and understand any and all written information sent to you in advance of your appointment. I reserve the right to deny entry to the clinic or ask you to leave if safety, mine or yours, is compromised in any way.

I am delighted to be able to offer a service again, but in order to ensure we provide a safe environment and a safe treatment whilst the population remains at risk from this virus I be taking the following steps. These represent huge compromises for myself and you, but hopefully you can see the logic and are reassured somewhat by the new measures I am  taking in order to provide your treatment as safely as possible.

It Is important to keep in mind, there are no known means to absolutely guarantee zero risk of transmission. Please do not hesitate to cancel your appointment;

• If you don’t feel well

• If any of your family members have symptoms.

• If anyone you have been in contact with has been diagnosed with Covid-19.

• If you are anxious and don’t feel safe to come.

• If you have ANY symptoms at all, that are not normal for you, give me a call and i will advise.
Don’t just come along and ask us when you get here.

I want to ensure you that I have been doing everything available to make the salon a safe environment this includes:

• Updating skills and gaining a Barbicide COVID 19 Qualification to ensure we have a clean and safe working environment for our return.

• Disposable Items sponges, brushes, bedding, bowls, sponges, towels, headbands as well as PPE. 

• I will be wearing a visor as advised to do so by government guidelines.

• Please wear a mask at all times while inside.

• On arrival please use the hand sanitiser at our “cleaning station” by the door and reception desk.

• Refreshment facilities will be restricted to restrict as much contact with downstairs. Water will be available with disposable cups.

• please leave any coats/jackets/extra clothing in the car.

• Temperature screening using an infrared thermometer will be used upon arrival. However, temperature screening is not believed to be an effective method of limiting transmission due to possible lack of symptoms, I feel that there may still be some benefit in keeping everyone in the salon safe. If you have a high temperature OR ANY of the COVID 19 symptoms, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.

• Seated waiting area has been removed and we ask you to come to your appointment alone unless you’re needing assistance.

• I will be washing my hands thoroughly, throughout your appointment and in between each client and using appropriate PPE

• ALL stations/ areas will be cleaned and sterilised thoroughly before and after your arrival. I will be changing the rooms over. The facial room will now be in the larger space for extra ventilation and space. This does mean their may be some noise from the gym and not as relaxing as normal this is a temporary requirement please understand this.

• At this time, we ask that no children will be present in the salon.

• Please bring only essential items to your appointment.

• The door will be locked during  appointments, if this door becomes unlocked due to being a shared access from the gym I please ask you to stay outside until I ask you in this allows me time to ensure cleaning is completed. please do no enter until asked to do so.

• Once your treatment is completed you will be asked to leave promptly. Please arrange any taxis or lifts appropriately so that I can use the time allotted to clean for the next client. This may sound rude but it’s essential to the smooth running of business during this difficult and strange time and the only way possibly for us to stay open. Please refrain from extended chatting on exit.

• 2 metre distancing will apply at all times, unless undergoing a service – at this time I ask for no handshakes/hugs/cheek kisses on arrival on exit.

• You will be asked to complete a Covid 19 consultation. This will be sent to you via text message to be filled out and returned before your appointment. Please ensure you do this.

• There will be a revised Policy for the reopening of our salon available to read if you wish to do so along with an updated risk assessment. 

 I will be wearing PPE. Please be respectful of these rules. Nobody is an exception. Keep us all safe and ensure we can stay healthy as well as in business.