Microneedling Precare
Prior to Treatment
- No Retin-A products or applications for 12 hours prior to treatment.
- No Auto-immune therapies or products for 12 hours prior to treatment.
- No prolonged sun exposure or sun burns to the treatment area 24 hours prior to treatment.
- Skin should be clean and make-up free.
- If an active or extreme breakout occurs before treatment, evaluate on a case by case basis.
Patient Home Preparation
Preparing the skin for this procedure will ensure optimum results. Healthy skin will respond better and results will last longer. Skin cells need nutrients for best function and a Dermapen recommended anti-aging regime should include:
- Oral Supplements (omega-3, glucosamine and multivitamins)
- Cleansers and Toners
- Topical Vitamin A (avoid high dose)
- Topical Vitamin C
- Topical Antioxidants
- Topical copper peptides
- Topical Growth Factors
- Sunscreen
Microneedling Aftercare
Post Operative Treatment
After the treatment, take precautions against sun exposure. Do not apply sunscreen for 12 hours after the Dermapen treatment due to the skin’s channels being open for a period of time and due to the toxic nature of some sunscreens on the market.
- Do not perform any vigorous exercise for at least 12 hours after treatment.
- Do not apply make-up for at least 12 hours after the treatment. If you feel the need to wear makeup we recommend high quality mineral makeup for use post procedure versus other foundations.
- Dermapen needling may trigger a cold sore response in patients and a prophylaxis medication should be recommended to those who are prone to breakouts.
- Wash the face thoroughly a few hours after treatment. Gently massage the face with tepid water, and remove all serum and other debris such as dried blood.
- For the first 1-3 days the skin will be very dry and feel tight.
- After 2-3 days patients can return to regular skin care products or as soon as it is comfortable to do so.
- Avoid alcohol based toners 10-14 days.
- Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 10 days if possible.
Treatment Recovery Timeline
Day 1: Erythema and red appearance and severity will depend upon how aggressive the treatment was performed.
Day 2: A red hue or pink hue persists like a moderate sunburn. Swelling may be more noticeable on the second day.
Day 3-5: Skin can be pink or normal color. Swelling subsides.